Tuesday, 10 January 2017

The Difference Between OCR and ICR

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, and ICR stands for Intelligent Character Recognition. Apart from that, there are also some other differences and when you look from the Data Scanning viewpoint, it’s relatively easy to understand the basics of both. An organization that uses Document Management Software (DMS) accompanied with a scanner, they will find the differences much useful.

Firstly, let’s understand the difference between OCR and ICR

OCR software will translate scanned images of text, both printed and typewritten documents into machine-encoded text. OCR is generally used to scan books and long documents into electronic files. It is also used by many for record-keeping or used to publish a handwritten or typed text on a website.
ICR technically is an upgraded version of OCR. An ICR tends to learn different fonts and handwriting styles. With an ICR, a computer gets an ability to study handwriting and recognize it to improve the accuracy of data and also helps in better recognition.

Difference between OCR & ICR
ICR is a subset of OCR software but the main difference is that OCR is not used to recognize handwritings. OCR is used to scan paper documents that have been typed and turn them into a text so that it can be used, easily accessed and categorized. The text that is scanned under OCR can be copied and pasted. While ICR focuses on handwriting or printed materials which have complicated fonts and those materials that OCRs can’t handle. Now that you know the difference and you are ready to take the decision just click on OCR or ICR and get best possible services from Microweb Outsourcing Services and also you can opt for Pilot Project done for FREE.

Pros and Cons of OCR
The leading reason for opting for OCR software is that it is not expensive. But this affordability comes at a certain cost. You get fewer features and as discussed previously, OCR has a limited ability to understand handwriting and complicated fonts. But it is not compulsory for all the businesses to have such ability and for them, OCR works just fine.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ICR
The advantage of ICR is as discussed that it can read complicated handwriting or it is fit to say that it can understand virtually any font you can think of. Upgraded ICR software can also learn difficult handwriting so to increase the accuracy over time. The disadvantage is that it is an expensive software to acquire than that of OCR.

Conclusion: Which is better?
The answer lies in the purpose for which you are willing to acquire a software. If you need to scan difficult handwriting and texts, it is better you opt for ICR but for that, you need to spend a good fortune to get what you need. If you don’t have such difficult texts and normal scanning software works just fine for you, OCR must be your choice.

OCR and ICR are in ways different yet connected, learn all about these two softwares and which proves to be a better option for your business.


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